The Jamberoo Action Park team are committed to ensuring each guest has a safe and enjoyable day. Please feel free to call our team on (02) 4236 0114, or speak to our Customer Service Officer in the Souvenir Shop at the front gate if you require any further information that may not be present on this page.

Hidden Disabilities
Jamberoo Action Park Team Members are trained in the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program in order to enhance the experience for anyone that may require additional assistance throughout the day. If you are part of this program, feel free to where your lanyard and or wristband in the park to assist team members identifying you. Alternatively additional lanyards can be obtained from the Customer Service Officer in the Souvenir Shop at the front gate.

Accessible Parking
Accessible parking spaces are available directly outside the park entry gates. These spaces are clearly marked with the International Disabilities Symbol.

Companion Card Holders
For guests to qualify for the Companion Card rate, the guests’ carer must provide their companion card, allowing the discounted rate for the guest and free entry for the carer.
No Companion Card – a rate will be approved on a case by case basis for individuals with a long-term disability / who require a high level of care. Doctors’ or other medical certificates may be used as support and are often helpful in determining a level of concession.

General Park Mobility
Mobility scooters are welcome in the park. While many areas of the park will be accessible with mobility scooters, please keep in mind that there are a number of steep hills that your mobility scooter may not be able to climb or descend safely.
The Jamberoo Action Park team are also here to help you gain access to particular areas of the park via buggy transport, please talk to our friendly team who will be able to assist you.

Water Wheelchair and Manual Wheelchair Hire
Jamberoo Action Park has a Water Wheelchair that is available for use upon request. This is subject to availability, so to avoid disappointment please call our friendly team to secure this service as early as possible ahead of your planned visit.
A limited number of manual wheelchairs for general use are available to hire from our First Aid Room.

Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs
Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs are welcome at Jamberoo Action Park. We ask that dogs wear their working vest identifying their role at all times, be accompanied at all times and remain in our picnic areas. Please call in and see Guest Services on the day of your visit for more detailed information, or contact us in advance on (02) 4236 0114
Ride Access
Jamberoo Action Park’s Rider Safety Guidelines give an overview of how guests with varying limitations can utilise different attractions within the park. If you your specific requirements are not outlined in this document, then our friendly team can provide guidance that is tailored to your ability. Please feel free to call our team on (02) 4236 0114, or speak to our Customer Service Officer in the Souvenir Shop at the front gate.